[November Goat News] Best dairy goats, castration, and goat goulash recipe

Hello Reader,

In this month's Goat News, we cover choosing the right dairy goat breed, caring for senior goats, and the benefits of using a Burdizzo for castration. We also discuss milk and meat withdrawal times after treatments and share a delicious recipe for Nigerian goat goulash.

Which Dairy Goat Breed is Best for You?

Thinking about adding dairy goats to your farm or homestead but unsure which breed is right for you? The answer, like so much in goat care, is, “It depends!” This post will guide you through the best dairy goat breeds based on specific goals, from milk production to butterfat content.

Caring for Senior Goats

We all love our goats and want them to have the best lives possible up until the very end. In this article, I discuss caring for the senior members of our herds. Along with the obvious issues, such as reduced fertility, it helps to be prepared for the more human-like ailments that can plague senior goats such as arthritis and dental problems. I also reveal who you can expect to live longest—buck, doe, or wether—along with how long each lives on average.

Castrating Goats and Sheep with a Burdizzo

Using a Burdizzo to castrate goats has been surrounded by heated opinions and misinformation. For years, though, the Burdizzo has been our favorite method for castrating our own goats. It is quick and bloodless. In this article, I cover the most common questions surrounding the Burdizzo, including risk of infection, pain management, and success rates.

Milk and Meat Withdrawal in Goats Following Drug Use

Treating a sick goat, such as one plagued by a heavy parasite load, is sometimes necessary. If you consume milk or meat from your goats, a withdrawal period is usually required so that you don't consume drug residues in the milk or meat. But how long? Find out how the administration method can impact withdrawal times and, most importantly, where to find credible information on the appropriate withdrawal periods.

Goat Goulash

Most people think goat meat is tough and stringy, but Nigerian Dwarf goat meat can be a tender and delicious addition to your recipes. If you're facing the issue of unsold wethers overrunning your working farm, butchering them is a practical way to deal with the problem. This goulash recipe produces a flavorful and comforting meal that you'll want to repeat again and again.

On the homestead and in my life...

Last month, I attended all seven days of the American Dairy Goat Association. It's important to me to keep myself updated on the latest research, and attending conferences is a great way to do that. This week, I'll be attending the conference of the Dairy Sheep Association of North America, which will include a day-long tour of a Wisconsin sheep dairy.

I also wanted to let you know that I've opened up a few spots on my calendar to work with people one-on-one who want to write a book in 2025. Since I've authored six published books, I often get questions from people about how to do it. Click here to be added to the waitlist so that you'll know when my author coaching program starts.

Happy Goatherding,

& the Thrifty Homesteader Team

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Deborah Niemann @ Thrifty Homesteader

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